
Saturday 19 March 2011


This revolting green monster could kill you with just one touch…

LINDA – The London investigation ‘N’ Detective Agency – was obsessed with the Doctor. When Victor Kennedy spotted a picture of the elusive Time Lord on their website, he infiltrated their group. But all was not as it seemed – Victor was really a hideous creature that could absorb anyone he touched! Elton Pope, one of the founding members of LINDA, came up with the name Abzorbaloff, although this was not the actual name of the species from Clom, the sister planet of the Slitheens Raxacoricofallapatorius.

All it took was a single touch from the Abzorbaloff and his victim met a nasty end. Mr Skinner, Bridget, Bliss and Ursula Blake did not die completely but lived within the Abzorbaloff’s skin, their faces poking through. They could still talk and were also able to access the terrible beast’s thoughts. They realised the Abzorbaloff planned to absorb the Doctor so he could soak up the Time Lord’s memories and vast knowledge! The Doctor smashed the Abzorbaloff’s limitation field, however, which he hid inside a can, and the green fiend melted away into a gooey puddle and disintegrated into the pavement.

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