
Saturday 19 March 2011

The Daleks - Introduction

The Most Terrifying race in the universe – and the Doctor’s worst nightmare

In all his travels the Doctor has never encountered a greater menace than the Daleks. Genetically engineered on the planet Skaro by a scientist called Davros, these twisted creatures were designed to follow one simple order – conquer and destroy.

Encases in tank-like machines, the Daleks mutants were devoid of such ‘weak’ emotions as pity, love and compassion, They were motivated by hatred, and their sole desire was to exterminate all life forms until their own species reigned supreme

It seemed that nothing could stop the Daleks as they enslaved whole galaxies and invaded countless worlds including, Earth on at least two occasions. They even went to war with the Time Lords! If it hadn.t been for the Doctor these monsters might of won the Time War and become masters of all creation…

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