
Saturday 19 March 2011

Dream Lord

Created by psychic pollen, what he did to the Doctor was worse that hay fever...

Your friends never see you again once they’ve grown up. "He always leaves you – alone in the dark – never apologises." "Flop-haired wuss." "Clothes designed by a first year fashion student." Some of the Dream Lord’s insults could be shrugged off – some cut deep. And it wasn’t just his words that hurt. He put the Doctor, Rory and Amy in two worlds, each with its own deadly danger: a freezing start in one and Eknodines in the other. But although the Dream Lord’s threat was very real, he himself wasn’t, created by a mind parasite; he fed on the darkness inside the Doctor and gave it a voice. The Doctor finally outwitted the Dream lord – or did he? Because when the Doctor glimpsed his reflection in the TARDIS console, the Dream Lords briefly looked back at him. He may have defeated the Dream Lord’s out form, but not the darkness inside.

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