
Saturday 19 March 2011

Imperial Daleks

The Doctor had never met Daleks as deadly as these before!

A spaceship orbits Earth, armed with weapons powerful enough to split the planet in two. Its decks teem with Daleks more advanced and dangerous than ever that serve their emporer without question. The Doctor aced crude version of these white Daleks on the planet necors, when he stopped Davros from converting humans into a new generation of Daleks. But when they came to Earth in 1963 to find the Hand of Omega, they appeared to be under control of the Emperor. And that should have been a clue to the shock to come...

Davros had somehow escaped custody of the Dalek Supreme and declared himself emperor of this new breed of Daleks. He grated mechanical implants to the mutants within the casings and they had terrifying new firepower, supported by the awesome might of the Special weapons Dalek. And most chilling of all, these Daleks could fly, so there was nowhere to hide from their evil...

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