
Saturday 19 March 2011


Millennia of isolation turned the Time Lord’s hero into a villain…

Omega was the first of Gallifrey’s Solar Engineers. He detonated a star to provide the power source that would give the Gallifreyans control over time and turn them into Time Lords. He was thought to have died in the supernova. But in reality he became trapped in a universe made of antimatter. Omega created a world for himself with the power of his mind, and planned to escape via a light beam link and become ruler of Gallifrey.

Omega needed a Time Lord to take control of his world and enable him to leave – and he chose the Third Doctor. Knowing the Doctor needed help, the Time Lords sent his previous incarnations to assist. However the light-beam had destroyed Omega’s body; his mind was all that remained. Unable to reach the real universe, he decided to destroy it. But the three Doctors tricked him into touching a flute that had not been turned into antimatter and he was destroyed in the resulting explosion…

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