
Saturday 19 March 2011


The telepathic race that fell victim to the Beast…

The Doctor first met this race of enslaved aliens on Krop Tor. Fifty of the unusual species worked in an Earth Sanctuary Base on this ‘impossible’ planet orbiting a black hole. They did everything for their human masters, from serving in the canteen to drilling into the planet’s core to help the scientists discover its secret. Unknowingly, this released the mental powers of the Beast.

A race of empaths, the Ood Quickly fell under the control of the Beast. Their normal, low level telepathic field of Basic Five increased to Basic 30, indicating a greater power was communicating with them. Soon, the telepathic field reading had increased rapidly to Basic 100 – Described as “impossible” by Ood expert Danny Bartok. At this level every single Ood should of died.

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