
Saturday 19 March 2011

Sontarans (Part 1)

These squat aliens had lofty ambitions and even invaded the Doctor’s home planet!

This alien clone species wasn’t really interested in human beings – their plans were much bigger! The culture of the Sontaran Empire was based solely on war. It’s all they lived for – they were the ultimate warriors. And the war they had waged the longest was against a race called the Rutans. In their attempts to defeat this enemy, the Sontarans had tried to uncover the secrets of time travels and turn Earth into a hatchet of billions of soldiers.

Because they came from a high-gravity world, Sontarans where squat, compact creatures, but very strong. Living as they did for war, nothing was more glorious to a Sontaran than to die in battle. The showing of pain was a county-martial offence and they had absolutely no fear of death. Although Sontarans liked to talk about honour, it was rather alien version of it: they didn’t see a problem in betraying an alliance with aliens if it was to their advantage.

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