
Saturday 19 March 2011

Supreme Dalek

The Dalek leader that stole Earth feared only one thing: the Doctor!

Although created from Davros’ own cells, the Daleks didn’t consider their creator superior to them. No life-form is superior to the Daleks, and no one has a higher rank than the Supreme Dalek! With a deep red-and-gold livery and extra plating, it was also known as the Supreme One this Dalek has one fear – that the Doctor would intervene in the plan to activate the Reality Bomb.

Leading the fleet that captured 27 planets in order to create an engine to power the bomb, the Supreme Dalek didn’t like Davros. It only tolerated him because of his genius. But it truly detested Dalek Caan, the sole survivor of the Cult of Skaro. It didn’t seem to matter than Caan had lost his mind going back into the Time War to rescue Davros and so saved the Daleks race. Daleks aren’t noticed for their gratude!

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