
Saturday 19 March 2011

Cult Of Skaro

Meet the Daleks who dared to imagine…

During the Time War, the Emperor of the Daleks set up a secret order of strategists whose jobs was to invent new ways of defeating enemies. The four members of the Cult of Skaro were allowed to think for themselves and even use their imaginations, something no Dalek had done for thousands of years! They were also given names: Dalek Sec, Dalek Caan, Dalek Jast and Dalek Thay.

The Cult were so cunning that they managed to escape the end of the war by hiding in a Void Ship, which later emerged in 21st century London. But the Tenth Doctor was waiting for them and forced the foursome to flee once more, this time to the sewers beneath New York in 1930. Their power cells all burned up, Jast and Thay were soon destroyed but far stranger fates awaited Sec and Caan…

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