
Saturday 19 March 2011

Dalek Caan

This Time War Survivor brought the Daleks back from the dead – only to destroy them all over again!

Caan was one of four Daleks that made up the Cult of Skaro. They fled the Time War, ending up in torchwood Tower before making an emergency temporal shift to New York, 1930. When Solomon tried to persuade them to work with human, it was Caan who exterminated him before plotting against the Dalek Sec hybrid. Caan also tried to turn the experimental humans into 100% Dalek. His plan foiled, Caan committed genocide, killing the new species he’d created. The last survivor of the Daleks, Caan made another emergency temporal shift…

Dalek Caan returned to the Time War, but the effort of breaching the Time Lord drove him mad. He rescued Davros, the creator of the Daleks, so the Daleks could live again, but then he foresaw what his race would become he arranged their total destruction. He did this by manipulating the timelines to bring Donna and the Doctor together. This led to the creation of the brilliant “DoctorDonna” a human-Time Lord Metacrisis clever enough to wipe out Davros’ Empire.

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