
Saturday 19 March 2011

Weeping Angels

Deadly predators made of stone, these creepy killers move like lightning…

These stone angels were also knows as the Lonely Assassins. The Doctor explained they were the loneliest creatures in the universe as they could never look at another of their kind. If they did, their fellow Angel would turn into an ordinary statue – and they could never touch another Angel as t would be transported into another time! No one, not even the Doctor knew where the Weeping Angels came from, but they had been around for almost as long as the universe itself.

The Weeping Angels were quantum locked, which meant they were only alive when no one was looking at them – if they were observed, they froze into harmless stone. They killed people by zapping them into the past; although the victims were able to live out the rest of their lives back in history, in the present they were dead. The aliens then fed of the potential energy, consuming all those hours and days their victims should have lived in the future.

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