
Sunday 20 March 2011

Different Timelords

Known Faces: One or two
Tech: The Gauntlet of Rassilon
Origin: This powerful warrior led his people in the last days of the Time War. He may also be the same Rassilon who discovered the secret of time travel and founded Time Lord society billions of years before.
Crime: Attempting to carry out the Final Sanction and destroy all other species
Motivation: Pride

The Rani
Known Faces: One
Tech: Remote-controlled TARDIS and a giant Time Brain
Origin: A brilliant biochemist, the Rani was one of Gallifrey’s most celebrated scientists – until her mutant mice attacked the President (and ate his cat!) and she was exiled in disgrace.
Crimes: Experimenting on alien species, including everyone on Miasmia Goria!
Motivation: Research

Known Faces: Four
Tech: Time Scoop
Origin: A tutor at the Time Lord Academy, where he taught the Doctor, Borusa went on to enter politics and eventually became Lord President of the High Council.
Crimes: Secretly reopening the outlawed Death Zoneto play the Game of Rassilon
Motivation: Arrogance

The Monk
Known Faces: One
Tech: Mark IV TARDIS
Origin: The Monk left Gallifrey about 50 years after the Doctor. He too wanted to explore the universe but had a much more “hands on” approach to involving himself in important historical events…
Crimes: Attempting to prevent the outcome of the Norman Conquest of England on Earth.
Motivation: Mischief

The War Chief
Known Faces: One
Tech: TARDIS-like time machines called SIDRAT’s
Origin: Nothing is known of the War Chief’s life before he left Gallifrey to assist the War Lords in their attempts to create the greatest army in history.
Crimes: Giving the War Lords the secrets of time travel, which allowed them to kidnap soldiers from various periods of Earth’s history.
Motivation: Ambition

The Master
Known Faces: Nine
Tech: Several TARDISes and a Tissue Compression Eliminator
Origin: Brought up on his father’s estate on Mount Perdition, the Master was educated by the Prydonian Chapter before going on to become Gallifrey’s most notorious criminal mastermind.
Crimes: Far too many to mention, including mass murder.
Motivation: Insanity

Known Faces: None!
Tech: The Hand of Omega
Origin: Legendary stellar engineer who got trapped in an anti-matter universe after his experiments sent a sun supernova. The sun went on to fuel the Time Lords’ time-travel endeavours and Omega was hailed a Gallifreyan hero.
Crimes: Trying to re-enter the universe of matter by stealing the Doctor’s body. Twice!
Motivation: Revenge

Known Faces: One
Tech: The Matrix
Origin: Originally a prosecutor for the Celestial Intervention Agency, Goth went on to become Chancellor, one of the most influential positions on the High Council of Time Lords. But he abused his office and plotter to assassinate the president.
Crimes: Aiding and abetting the Master, who wanted to steal energy from the Eye of Harmony
Motivation: Power?

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