
Sunday 20 March 2011

Master (Part 4)

Returning to plague the Doctor time and again, the Master would meet his end thanks to the Dalek – or so you would think…?

With the power of Logopolis at his fingertips, the Master tried to blackmail the universe. The choice he presented was obey him or be wiped from existence! With the universe long past the point of heat death, the people of Logopolis had extended its life by opening new universe. The Fourth Doctor knew that he couldn’t allow the Master to have that much power over so many people and planets, and gave his life to stop his arch-nemesis. The Master never forgave him for it and plagued the Doctor’s next four incarnations.

The deranged Time Lord had used all his lives and, after his possession of Tremas, he seemed to have learned a valuable lesson. His older self often formed dangerous alliances with monsters and villains only to have them turn on him when his plans failed. Now he – mostly – worked alone. No one can say for sure that, after thanking the power of the Traken Source, the Master was even a Time Lord and more. What is certain is that he took care of Tremas’ stolen body. While the Doctor went through four different faces, the Master kept the same on or years.

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