
Sunday 20 March 2011

Time Lords

Were the guardians of time and space as saintly as they seemed?

According to legend the Time Lords of Gallifrey were a wise and ancient race dedicated to maintaining order in the universe. For a billion years they watched over every planet in the sky like a pantheon of kindly gods, using their immense powers to preserve the timelines. But what the legend didn’t mention were those Time Lords who abused this power: the misfits and psychopaths and vengeful, bloodthirsty warriors…

When Time Lords went bad the consequences would be catastrophic. It only took one of them to conquer an entire plane, as the Master proved when he enslaved Earth in the 21st century, and each member of the race knew enough about temporal physics to rip the web of time to shreds. The High Council of Time Lords was adept at keeping any renegades under control, but even that esteemed body of rulers was not immune to corruption and insanity.

Before they turned their back on violence the Time Lords waged war across the stars!
There once was a time when the Time Lords thought nothing of interfering in the affairs of other planets and races – in fact they played a crucial role in shaping the early days of the universe. They joined the Fledgling Empires in a war against the Racnoss and were led by Rassilon on a bloody crusade to rid the cosmos of the Great Vampires. During this time they created such terrifying weapons as bowships, black-hole carriers and the “living metal” validium.

These early Time Lords even liked to toy with lesser races for their own entertainment. Using a Time Scoop they would pluck various creatures from different planets and time periods and pt them against each other in the Death Zone on Gallifrey. It was Rassilon who eventually put a stop to these barbaric gladiatorial games when he closed down the Zone and forged a new era of peace and responsibility. But, billions of years later, the Time Lords would return to their old ways…

“For Gallifrey! For Victory!”

The Last Great Time War forced the Time Lords to take arms – and worse…

After millennia of peace a conflict with the Daleks escalated into full-scale war and the Time Lords suddenly found themselves steeped in violence and bloodshed once more. The war was a disaster and eventually, facing defeat, the Time Lords hatched an insane plot to rip apart time itself and ascent to a higher place of existence. Realising that his people had finally gone berserk, the Doctor has no choice but to stop them by destroying Gallifrey and reducing the Lords of Time to nothing more than a fairy tale.

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