
Sunday 20 March 2011

The Empty Child

All this poor young boy wanted was his mummy…

The Empty Child was a little boy called Jamie living in London during the Second World War. He’d been wearing a gas mask during a German air raid and was killed. Nearby, however, minuscule subatomic robots known as Chula Nanogenes were leaking from an alien medical transport ship that had crashed. They found Jamie and tried to heal him, but instead they changed his entire biology. Jamie had suffered horrific injuries during the raid, receiving a massive head trauma, partial collapse o his chest and a cut on the back of his hand. These were all healed, but he was left a terrifying zombie with a gas mask instead of a face.

The Ninth doctor met a young woman called Nancy who looked after a band of orphaned children. She warned him not to touch the Empty Child or else he too would become empty. She also tells him that her little brother Jamie was killed in an air raid. It wasn’t until Nancy returned to the bombsite at Limehouse Green Station that she finally confessed that this Empty Child was not her little brother, but rather her son. As soon as she said: “I am your mummy,” the Nanogenes recognised that their DNA matched, and Jamie was returned to his former self.

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