
Sunday 20 March 2011

The Flood

Even a single drop can be deadly…

When the first ever off-Earth colonists arrived on Mars in the year 2058, they built their base in the Gusev Crater, because it was on top of an underground glacier, a convenient source of water. Little did they know but down below them, frozen in the ice field, was a viral life form. When one of the base’s water filters broke, the infected water was able to get inside and it took over the first human being to consume it, Andy Stone. Ignoring the birds and insects in the bio-dome, the virus sought out other humans to transform knowing they could help it reach its ultimate goal: Earth, planet full o water. The infected humans breathed water and had internal fission, allowing them to survive on the airless, freezing surface of Mars. Only one thing could destroy them. When Captain Adelaide Brooke detonated the nuclear device at the heart of the base, the entire ice field together with the Flood, was completely consumed.

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