
Sunday 20 March 2011

Vashta Nerada

Deadly and invisible, these alien swarms hide in the dark places of the universe…

Across the universe, nearly every species has a healthy fear of the dark – and the Vashta Nerada are the reason why. These creatures move in silent swarms and are almost invisible: sometimes, you can catch sight of them as they specks of dust floating in sunbeams. But even though they’re silent and unseen, Vashta Nerada are deadly. The Doctor calls them “the piranhas of the air”, and they can tear the flesh from a living body in a matter of seconds.

The creatures attach themselves to their pres to keep them fresh, following their victim in the form of an extra shadow. Their name literally means “the shadows that melt the flesh”. Normally, they hunt in small packs, haunting shadowy forests – but the swarm in the Library was millions strong, infesting the wood-pulp pages of the books. Even light cannot stop them for long – as the Doctor says, the only defence is to run…

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