
Sunday 20 March 2011


These creatures from our future were brought back to release the evil Fenric!

These blood-sucking amphibians were the last remains of the human race, evolved to live in a world of extreme pollution and chaos. When the evil being known as Fenric needed soldiers to help him destroy the world with chemical weapons during the 1940s it was fitting that he would choose the Haemovores.

Fenric used a time storm to drag the Ancient One back through time, forcing it to follow the flash in which he was imprisoned wherever it was taken, and draining anyone who got in its way. Over the centuries these corpses evolved into Haemovores and, when Fenric was finally released towards the end of the World War Two, he found an army waiting to serve him. But the Ancient One realised that he had been betrayed: by doing Fenric’s bidding he would be creating his own polluted future so sacrificed himself to defeat the ultimate evil.

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