
Sunday 20 March 2011

Harold Saxon

No one knew that this politician was really a megalomaniac who wanted to rule the universe!

Stealing the Doctor’s TARDIS on Malcassairo was almost the perfect start to the Master’s new life in a new body. Unfortunately for him, the Doctor used the sonic screwdriver to jame his ship’s navigation so it could only travel to the end of the universe or to the early 21st century. He had to come up with a new plan, so he created a persona called Harold Saxon.

The first mention of Saxon came shortly after Harriet Jones’ downfall. Then Defence minister, Saxon authorised the attack on the Racnoss Webstar. Afterwards, he was put in charge of the Archangel Network, a worldwide satellite communication system. No one knew how he became part of the British government, but it’s possible he got in through the “good family” of the woman he married, Lucy Saxon.

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