
Sunday 20 March 2011

Master (Part 2)

Meet the most dangerous man in the universe…

Trying to find someone who was deadlier than the Master was impossibly. Former friends from the Academy, the Doctor and the Master both left Gallifrey – one to explore the universe, the other to conquer it! While stuck on 20th-century Earth and working with UNIT, the Third Doctor was warned by the Time Lords that his old rival was heading his way. The Master saw the Doctor as almost his equal, which was why he vowed to destroy the Doctor and all he held precious – especially Earth!

This incarnation of the Master never appeared to be as insane as his successors, but there’s little doubt he was just as deranged. He tried to take over Earth, then plotted to start a nuclear war, and sought out sources of incredible power in the hope of complete mastery of the universe. It was his growing obsession with the Doctor, however, that would almost always be his downfall. If the Master hadn’t been so madly determined to thwart his former friend he might have succeeded in ruling the cosmos!

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